Super Improver Wall - Tropical Style

It's been awhile since I've posted on this little blog of mine. I am so so sorry! But the good news is that WBT is going really great in my room! The posters are up, the kids are great at Class Yes, Teach Ok, Hands and Eyes, and even Mirror (when I remember!) I swear, this is more about training the teacher than it is about training the kids! One big goal I had for quarter 1 was to get my kids' data binders up and going. In the data binders, kids would keep track of their scores, but they would also make goals for themselves after looking at their graphs and seeing where they need to improve. One of the goals was also a behavior goal. I decided, instead of me remembering each kids' goal and giving them stickers for their Super Improver card, I would call them up at the end of each day and ask them if they made their goal. I wrote each goal on a checklist so I could easily reference what the goal was. If they thought they made their g...